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     >  High level of interaction from participants

     >  Team exercises for collaboration and learning in real-time

     >  Assessment modules to precede training to understand the starting point

     >  Ideas for follow-up in the role and follow-up with leaders 

     >  Opportunity for group or 1-1 follow-up post completion 

Based upon a core programme, your business will have a customised version created to meet the need of the candidate(s). This can involve individual and group assessments of the current position and an agreed goal for the completion of the programme



Individual coaching for a current or developing leader

Program will be customised and could include any or all of the following:

Assessment module including personality traits, natural leadership style, emotional intelligence aptitude, 360 degree feedback from colleagues, one-on-one coaching covering all aspects of being a leader, interactive sessions to review specific leadership scenarios, work plan to take back into the work place, follow-up reviews based upon experience, etc

A Group programme - participants could be current or aspiring leaders

Core programme follows the same shape as the individual programme but will include group training and coaching sessions, group exercises and role play, analysis of individual experiences, mentor scheme within the group to help post the programme

Department team building

This programme focuses more on team interaction and maximising the output across the team. Participants are generally already working together. This open and positive programme encourages members to discuss what they feel works and does not work, and helps them collectively determine the small shifts that can be made to improve team collaboration and output.


Collaboration with your business

All programmes can be tailored to meet your specific company needs. I will spend time in your business to understand  the current culture, leadership and team status  and listen to the opportunities you consider to be most important. All programmes can be branded for your business. I encourage a candid discussion to determine the needs and will advise how this can be addressed and an idea of the budget required.